As of September 2023
Position |
Name |
Phone |
President & Newsletter | Anthony “Tony” Austin | tnt_austin@shaw.ca | 250.427.3599 |
Secretary | Holly Dolanz | s10_dolanz@hotmail.com | 250.254.0100 |
Treasurer | Caroline Dolanz | ndolanz@telus.net | 250.428.2991 |
Main Librarian | Doug Newell | dougnewell55@gmail.com | 250.977.5187 |
Grand Forks Librarian | Bob McTavish | 1bobmct@gmail.com | |
Webmaster: Website & Facebook | Katrina Koyich | josekizmit@gmail.com |
Also we are now on Facebook!
Boundary Blacksmiths’
(Private group for members)
Kootenay Blacksmiths’ Association
(public page for EVERYONE!!!)
Membership has the following benefits:
- Applies to the all household/family members
- Discounted rate for the spring and fall conferences
- Digital subscription to our seasonal newsletter, Hammer Marks
Membership dues are $30 a year per adult and $15 a year per student.
Memberships run from January to December, and the fee for new members is pro-rated the first year if you join part-way through the year.
To join the KBA please download this form to print and fill out, include a cheque made out to KBA for the yearly amount OR $2 for each month, after January, remaining in this calendar year, and mail it to:
Caroline Dolanz, KBA Treasurer
Diamond Ironworks
Box 189
Erickson, BC
V0B 1K0
A receipt and membership card will be sent to you.
To join the Artist Blacksmith Association of North America (ABANA), click here.