Where to get what?
Here is a list of suppliers of blacksmithing tools, forge parts, fasteners coals and more. If you have a good lead where to get useful things please contact the secretary found on the Contact Us page.
Knife Making and Other Supplies
Pritchell & Hardy Distribution: based out of Kelowna, BC offering anvils, swage blocks, miscellaneous supplies for knife making and grinding belts.
Spaenaur have a catalogue about 2″ thick, and all they sell is fasteners! They have an extensive list of rivets, mostly sold by the boxes of 100. Spaenaur is recognized throughout North America as a leading wholesale distributor for industrial fasteners, hardware components and tools.
SpaeNaur, Kitchener, ON, 1-800-265-8772
Frank Cipriani of ERI Tading Inc. in Hamilton, ON sells very good blacksmithing coal in 50 lb sacks or by the ton. He has some warehoused in Calgary to save on shipping costs.
ERI Trading Inc. Ph 905.545.2311, Cell 905.572.5514, email: fcipriani@eritrading.com
Propane Forge Supplies
There are several suppliers of refractory bricks, castible refractory cement, etc. but beware, their prices vary quite a bit.
Clayburn Refractories Ltd. (my best choice)
33765 Pine St, Abbotsford, BC V2S 5C1 Ph 604.859.5288 Fx 604.859.0424
RHI Canada Inc. 11210 120 St NW Edmonton AB T5G 0W5
Telephone:(780) 452-0111 Fax:(780) 452-0765
Vesuvius Canada, Ontario ph. 905.732.4441 Use “Cercast” for roof of forge.
Burnaby Insulating Supplies, Edmonton Ph 780.452.4966, burnabyinsulation.com
Morgan Advanced Materials, morganthermalceramics.com
bnzmaterials.com 1.800.999.0890
Blacksmithing and Farrier Tools.
Centaur Forge. Founded in 1960, Centaur Forge is the oldest supplier of Blacksmith and Farrier products in North America. Ph 1.800.666.9175 http://www.centaurforge.com
Accurate Screen Ltd. ph 877.564.3381. Branches in Toronto, Calgary & Vancouver. www.accuratescreen.ca They sell small quantities and ship.
Calgary 877.857.0323 5751 57 St SE Surrey 877.687.3488 19082 – 28th Ave
Black Wood Screws
Acorn Manufacturing Co Inc. Box 31, Mansfield, Mass 02048 USA Ph 617.339.4500
Manufacturers of black pyramid-head wood screws.
Drip Trays & other discs
Metal & Wood Products, 43 East 3rd Ave.,Vancouver, BC. Ph 604.879.2901 fx 604.879.2979
Can punch out discs, flat or dished, up to 7.5″ diam x 1/8″. The more you buy the cheaper they get as it cuts down on set-up time.
Beverly Shear, Canadian Dealer
Empire Machinery and Tools Ltd.Ph 1-800-665-8089.
Box 20, Group 200, RR#2 Winnipeg, MB, R3C 2E6
Saw Sharpening
Quality Saw and Knife, Ltd. 2005 Quebec St., Vancouver, BC V5T 2Z6. Ph 604.873.1696